Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mystical Halong Bay

After another overnight train journey we journey by bus to our next destination Halong Bay. On the way we enjoyed the interesting sights out the window. Lots of bicycle and motorcycles carrying up to four people and various cargo. From freezers to a crate full of pigs. That gives the tale of this little piggy going to market a whole new spin.

It was touch and go whether we were going to get to go out on the boat for our overnight stay as it was pretty misty out but at the last second the captain gave the go ahead.

Halong Bay is a Unesco Heritage sight and one of the top world wonders.  It is made up of over 2,000 islands spectacularly rising from an emerald green sea. Halong means where the dragon descends from the sea. Legend has it that as the islands were formed when a dragon dove into the sea leaving all the islands in his wake. Sailors to this day report sightings of part of the beast.


We also went onto one of the islands and into a gigantic cave full of stalactites and stagagmites. Setting fit for a James Bond film. Then back out to more breathtaking views.

Back to the boat where the meals were just unbelievable. Lots of fresh seafood presented as beautifully as the scenery.  The crew must work around the clock.

We then went through some tunnels leading to a secluded bay. I was excited as they used this part of Halong Bay for the film Indochine I had watched which inspired me to travel to Vietnam.

Once through the tunnels we saw quite a few monkeys climbing on the rocks and swinging on the vines much to the delight of our group.

Halong Bay was everything I imagined it to be. Pure Magic.

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